
Westin Resort

On Saturday we went down to the beach at the Westin Hotel...just down the hill from where we live. We can walk there in about 15 minutes. We went down around 2:30 and stayed until almost 6:30. It was a perfect day. The water is so nice. I swam while Aaron and his workmate, Tressie, studied for an exam that they have to take for their engineering license. Mai-Tai, anyone?!

Aaron and I returned home to clean up and then we went out to a restaurant called Proa, one of the few places that serve Chamorro (native to Guam) food.


  1. Wow, looks like a great place to sit in the sun. Another must when we come visit. Aaron looks like he is super imposed in the sunset picture. Very nice.

  2. At first we didn't realize that was a towel and thought Aaron had gone native. (Nice sarong) It is too gorgeous how was Chamorro food?


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