The Allen Family

Cathy came to Guam with her two son's, Paul and Destry Allen (above). Allen is my mother's maiden name. 
We have no direct relation to this family but we are connected in more ways than one.

First and foremost, we are related in faith.
Paul gave a talk at the Kingdom Hall while they were here.

Secondly, Paul was born on Guam—the place we now call home. 
Cathy lived here in the 70s with her husband who was in the Navy.

Finally and most confusing, Paul and Destry's grandmother was married to my great-uncle Buck and best friends with my grandmother.

Cathy brought along a travel magazine from the 70s. A few familiar places and names.


Two Lovers Point (right) looked a little different back then.


Madeleine Bordallo is now a congresswoman representing Guam


  1. I am so glad that Cathy and the boys made it. It looks like you were a very good Hostesses as always. Nice that Paul was able to give the talk! I know they had a good time.


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