In Pursuit of Ghost Cave AGAIN

We attempted to find Ghost Cave back in June 2017. Sadly we did not.
On second thought, I think the pursuit is half the fun! So, here we go again!


Into the river we go.

Freshwater eel.

We found it!

The arch is called To'la' Yu'os or God's Bridge because of the natural rock formation in the shape of a bridge. 
This is associated with To'la' Yu'os or God's Spit—a crag and natural spring that feeds Fena Resevoir.

Known unofficially as Ghost Cave, for the erie feeling experienced by superstition hikers while inside.


Exploring the cave. No ghosts.



I spy a monitor lizard. Do you?

Can you see me now?
Roadside Camo, Big Bird, Sunshine, Minion—I go by many names.


  1. Nope can't see you :) Funny, you blend right in........I think Minion, fits you. The water looked scary. I don't think I would have liked it!


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