Lumpectomy TAKE ONE

Brian and Terri Jetmore and their son Isaac were our gracious hosts in Long Beach during the week of my surgery and the following week of recovery—so gracious and trusting in fact, they left for Europe before we arrived. Isaac stayed behind a few days to help us settle in before he too was off.

Side note: This is my favorite of the four cars we rented during our time in LA/Long Beach.

The Jetmore home is located in California Heights, the city's largest historic district. Homes in this community are predominantly Spanish colonial revival constructed in the late 20s. Large mature trees and vintage street lights enhance the neighborhood ambience.


The Jetmore family loves to entertain. Their home is set up for it. From the back porch each morning we enjoyed the sound of the fountain.
Aaron was infatuated with these beautiful palms—we have a dozen or so photos in different locations. We think they are Canary Island Date Palms.

As soon as I was scheduled for surgery Jolene hopped on a plane for LA.
She may have actually done so before I was scheduled. She was anxious to get there!

My parents came down the next day. It was a blessing to have them with us for a few days and a good distraction for us both. 
We are so grateful to the Jetmore family for opening their home to ALL of us! ♥︎

I lost count of how many times I had to wear this uniform.

Mom came in for my pre-op appointment.

I had to fill this test-tube with saliva for a gene test to determine if I was genetically disposed to develop breast cancer. It came back NEGATIVE. That's good!

Ready for surgery, my Aaron at my side.

Trying to wake up from the anesthesia. I was nauseated so they gave me some medication which made me sleepier. It was torture. It felt a little like jet lag, intoxication and exhaustion all rolled into one. When I was somewhat alert, Aaron packed me into the car and we drove home—it was an out-patient procedure. I slept the hour home and then three more at the house before I was able to really wake up.

The evening of my surgery, Brian (right) and Rhonda McCorkle (center), their daughter Sam and their son Gavin (next to their mom) brought us dinner from one of their favorite Mexican restaurants. Russ Presetti (right of Aaron), neighbor and friend to the Jetmores, joined in as well. We really appreciated their timely hospitality. Needless to say, I was out of commission in the master bedroom, the anesthesia having done a number on me. The evening was enjoyed by all (sans me) in the Grotto.

Our morning ritual, coffee on the porch.

Something most people do NOT get to see, nor want to:
ME + no shower x 3 days = YUCK!
You're welcome!

Also, please notice the fabulous PINK binder I am sporting under my tank top. Fabulous!

Eat tacos. Excellent advise.

It was nice to get out of the house for a bit.

Thanks to everyone who sent flowers! It was so sweet and totally unexpected.

Foodies' beer cave has nothing on this one!

We dropped Mom and Dad at the airport. Then happened upon this amazing restaurant and so stole away for a glass of wine and a delicious Italian style pizza.

Jason and Julie Burnett drove five hours to spend a couple days with us. It was so nice to spend time with them.
We met Art and Geraldine for dinner at a local brewery down by the water. Lovely sunset!

We finally got to hang out with Jason and Julie's very dear friends, Gary and Linda McCorkle (Brian's mom and dad).

Earlier in the day we had a post-op appointment with Doctor Holmes. We found out that I needed to go back for another lumpectomy. The margin was not clear enough. At first, we thought he must be joking. He was not. We found out later, that for DCIS this is common. Since the doctor was to be on vacation for a couple weeks, the surgery was scheduled for August 11. That gave us time to kill. 

During our evening with Gary and Linda, we were invited to stay with them during the week of my second surgery and following recovery. We didn't even have to ask. They just lovingly saw a need and filled it. ♥︎

Meanwhile, back at home…

Our friends were missing us! That was nice to hear!

We received many reminders and messages of encouragement along the way.




  1. We were so glad we could be there with you!! Thank you again Jetmores, for allowing us to stay in your beautiful home with Christy and Aaron! Knowing you had everyone back home in Oregon and Guam rooting for you must have felt good!! It was a scary time we are glad that is over for you. You handled it so gracefully!


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