Use Your Noodle { Build A Bridge }

In an effort to promote engineering in local schools, Aaron's company, GHD and the University of Guam (UOG) partnered to host a Pasta Bridge Building Competition. There were sixteen bridges entered into the competition from three high schools. Engineers from several firms were present to show their support—some assisted with judging.  Tiger Gillham, the son of Dean Gillham whom the competition is named for, was also in attendance.

Aaron and Andre weighed and measured. Ted and Briankieth tested each bridge for maximum weight limit.

With the aid of UOG staff, Kina coordinated the event. I took photos. 

Above right: Aaron's boss, Paul  |  President of UOG  |  Mr. Dean Gillham’s wife  |  Tiger Gillham’s mother  |  Tiger Gillham  |  Executive Director of UOG Endowment Foundation

Clockwise: { First Place } Most Weight  |  held over 300 pounds 
{ Second Place } Highest Strength-to-Weight Ratio  |  held over 200 pounds/weighed 8 ounces
{ Third Place } Most Aesthetic Bridge
{ Honorable mention } sadly, disqualified but held more than any other bridge without breaking

Cash prizes were awarded.

We had a good time. The students were quite enthusiastic.


  1. Look what can be accomplished when you put your noodle to work!:D

  2. That is so cool, I bet Aaron enjoys being involved
    with the kids and the project.


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