Meet Cash

Around the House

We feel pretty secure on the third floor of the Young Hwa Condos. Meet Cash! At the moment, he looks like a big softy but when he's barking, pulling at his chain and staring you down, he is quite formidable. 

Believe It or Not! This is the first time I've pet him. He likes sweet talk! We don't know his story—why he has the scar on his back but we're pretty sure he just wants to be loved.


  1. You are very brave! He sounds like our neighbor dog and he loves to hit the fence and act like he is going to eat you. Maybe he is a big softy like Cash. Time will tell.

  2. "... but we're pretty sure he just wants to be loved..."

    Don't we all? (And who doesn't like cash?) You do look a little nervous, but fortunately you've got the sweet talk down. :0)


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