Keys Please

In the Ministry

It was last week, on a ordinary Wednesday in the ministry... I dropped Christine and Momi at a small apartment complex. Pearl and I drove a little further down the street to visit some houses. I grabbed my bag, put my keys in the bag and then promptly decided that I would leave my bag and carry my notebook and bible from door-to-door. I set the bag in the floor of the car and closed the door. As you can imagine, I realized at once that I had locked my keys in my car—with my phone. Pearl and I decided to visit some of the houses on the street while the other two were at the apartments. When we finished we walked up to the apartments. I told the others what had happened. All of our purses, wallets and phones (with the exception of one phone) were in the car. I called Aaron. He was working up north, in meetings and unable to get away. Christine's husband was working and in the middle of a crisis. We were stranded. Fortunately, Jason and Julie Burnett came to our rescue. The Burnettes arrived on Guam about 3 weeks ago from San Antonio, Texas. They were measuring their newly acquired apartment for furniture. It just happened to be the apartment we were visiting. They kindly volunteered to drive us up to where Aaron was working so that we could get the keys. We made good use of our time as we drove. Christine speaks Chinese and so has people all over the island that she visits with the bible message. We stopped a few times along the way. It was a great way to start the morning! turned out that way!


  1. Good job Christy! Sounds like something I've done in the past, more then once:).

  2. What a bummer, but sounds like you took info to heart from pioneer meeting and made good use of time while you were getting keys.


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