Brian & Serina Harpster

The Sutton Inn

Brian and Serina arrived on Thursday night. Ralph Goedecke from the branch met us at the airport to pick them up. We took them out to our favorite Thai food restaurant and chatted until late in the evening. Ralph is a talker and we love having him around. He's one of the most considerate people.

On Friday, Aaron went to work and I took the Harpsters to Home Depot. They needed some supplies for the missionary home in Chuuk. Friday afternoon they had a meeting for all the missionaries at the branch and a special dinner that evening.

Saturday, they borrowed a vehicle at the branch so Aaron and I were on our own. That's when we went for our drive.

Sunday morning, the four of us went to the beach and then to the Special Zone Meeting. The Zone Overseers each gave a talk—Endurance That Wins God's Approval and Displaying the Mind of Christ in All We Do—and we had a review of the Watchtower. There were 1110 in attendence at the University of Guam Field House and over 300 more tied in via audio stream over the internet—Paulau, Marshall Islands, Rota, Tinian, Saipan. The total was an all time high in attendance.

There are three islands in Chuuk that have missionary homes and kingdom halls—Weno, Tonowas and Tol. Brian and Serina live on Weno. Theirs is the most comfortable of the missionary homes. The others do not have running water, electricity, internet or AC. They are much more primitive. On Wednesday, they are expecting four new missionaries to arrive—a couple and two single brothers. Needless to say they are excited to have the help since, as they said several times, "there is much work to be done".

We are looking forward to visiting Chuuk. Brian and Serina have invited us to stay at the missionary home. They say the local friends will be excited to have us and touched that we would come to Chuuk to see them. Can't wait to experience some of the more primitive islands of Micronesia.


  1. A very nice looking couple, and a great piece of art in the background. What a special treat to get to go to the Zone Meeting. Will be neat when you get to go and visit Chuuk. Will be an interesting experience. Thanks for sharing.


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