Coffee 'n Guam

Foodies Welcome

You would think that since Guam is warm, coffee shops would be out of the questions. Not so! There are coffee shops everywhere. Of the several that I have seen, they are all very cozy and trendy. Most offer wi-fi.

We visited Infusion the other night. Everything in the bathroom...sink, soap, hand dryer...are all fully automated. But wait there is more! The bathroom includes a fully automated heated toilet seat including bidet features. First time I've seen that in a public restroom.

Barista Blends is the place you really want to go! Here's the view. The coffee is good and the food looks fabulous.

Of course, you're always welcome to stop by our place for coffee! We'll even let you stay awhile!


  1. WOW! Tropical waters, 80's music AND public toilets with bidets!! You guys are already in paradise!

  2. Is the world REALLY ready for an automated toilet seat? (It actually sounds frightening)Some things should just remain basic...btw, the food does look tasty.

  3. Sounds like the toilets in Japan. I loved those things. Are you talking about the automated seat covers? I miss them. Enjoy your time there. Love, Crista


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