Top 10 Strange Things We Know About Guam

Hafa Adai from Guam

1. The highest speed limit posted on the island is 35 and everyone drives 50.

2. U-turns are permitted almost everywhere and people LIKE to make them.

3. K-mart is open 24 hours.

4. When you're in your car or house with the AC on and you look out the window at the rain pouring down and the wind blowing, your mind tells you, "it must be cold out there" and you want to put on a coat. But then as soon as you open the door, you think again.

5. You have to stand in long lines to turn on your power, water, cable...pretty much everything—except when you're shopping. And nobody seems to mind.

6. It takes 5 working days to get water to an apartment unit.

7. Nobody knows the names of streets. They give directions by landmark. For example, there is a road here that everyone calls Hamburger Road (even radio ads use the term and that's not it's real name). "Why?" you ask. At one end is the two-story McDonald's and at the other end is Burger King.

8. Guam has a two-story McDonald's.

9. There is a 5k run, somewhere on the island, almost every other weekend.

10. When strange things happen people say, "Only in Guam!" because strange things happen all the time.


  1. Don't you love being in a new place and experiencing all these strange things...I'm sure there are only more to come.

  2. Looks like things are moving along and you guys are settling in nicely. We will look forward to more top 10's.

  3. Thank you for confirming that Burger King IS a landmark...

  4. I just wanted to say Hi, and i hope your having a fun time. (that was audrey, she would only let me say that exactly from her:)


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