Settling In

Hafa Adai from Guam

We signed lease papers yesterday. We're waiting for the owner to sign. Then we should have an apartment. Our apartment is in Harmon or Upper Tumon (depending on who you ask) which places us in the territory of the Central Congregation.

Last night we went to Central's meeting. The friends were excited to have us. There are two other "need greater" couples in the congregation (the Flowers and the Twinings), as well as a couple from the branch (the Cooks). The Flowers and the Twinings, strangely enough, are both from the same town in Michigan. The Cooks are a lot of fun. We're looking forward to getting to know them. Brother Flowers reminds us of Oliver Stephenson. He's a real joker. Brother Twining reminds us of Randy Funke. We're making associations between new friends and old and starting to feel like we're back home. Still hard not to miss all the friends in Salem.

I went to the Post Office today and we are the proud renters of a Post Office Box. I'm heading out to the bank soon to open an account. We're settling in slowly but surely.


  1. Hi Suttons! Just wanted you to know that we are keeping up with you on your blog. It is so nice of you to share so that we all can get a feeling for the international brotherhood that we are all apart of - some (like you) more than others. Glad all is going well.
    Mark Vaughn family

  2. So is that somewhere between Tumon Bay and the Won Pat airport? Is your territory mostly town, or do you have jungle area? there is jungle in
    Guam...right? Happy that you are getting settled.

  3. Hi Aaron and Christy,
    Keeping posted with what you are doing. So glad everything is going so well and you are settling in nicely.
    Love you both and wish you well. xoxoxo
    Aunt Marilyn


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