Lumpectomy TAKE TWO

Flowers from our dear friends in Vancouver WA

I thought that knowing what to expect would make the second surgery easier but the second recovery is where things got difficult. I DID know what to expect. I think that was the problem. I'd already been recovering from the first surgery for three weeks. I could see that my body would heel quickly but NOW I had to start all over again. It was a little discouraging.


 But that didn't stop us from laughing…

…and smiling! 

This man, that I love with ALL my heart, has been the best support. Even now after much 
time has passed—he is kind, patient and loving. Funny too, but don't tell him I said so!

Just before I went under, Doctor Holmes asked me if I had any concerns. I took the opportunity to joke with him about the fabulous binder I was looking forward to wearing. He then asked if I had any color requests. I said "Anything but pink!" I was happy upon awakening that he'd heard my plea.

It wasn't all laughs. I shed many tears and was discouraged at times. During the whole ordeal, Aaron and I tried very hard to keep up with our Bible reading and studying. While preparing for the midweek meeting one day I was comforted by Song 136 in our book "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah.

See the words along with the music on
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Under the circumstances, the words of this song rang very true for me,
particularly the second verse and the chorus.
Thanks to Jehovah AGAIN for his comfort—this time in song!


  1. Love that song, and so very true. We know it has not been easy, but you both have done very well in handling and enduring this trial. Love all the laughter and pics of the smiling faces. Your in our thoughts and hearts.

  2. I wish I had been there for the second surgery. But I know Aaron took very good care of you.Yes he is awesome. were always thinking about you. my sweet Christy. hugs and kisses


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