Bible School for Christian Couples

The very first Bible School for Christian Couples (BSCC) was held in July 2011 at Patterson, New York. Beginning in September 2012, selected branch territories worldwide also held schools. 

What is the purpose of such a school? To give married couples specialized training so that they can be used more fully by Jehovah God and his organization. Many graduates are assigned to serve where there is a greater need in their home country. Some receive an assignment in another country, while others may even serve in remote and isolated areas.
The Micronesia Branch hosted their first BSCC during the months of February and March 2014.

It was an exciting two months for the congregations on Guam. The students and instructors were present during many meetings and informal gatherings. We were encouraged to hear about their classroom experience. Their enthusiasm was, of course, contagious!

There were twelve couples in the school. Before the school, these couples were already serving where there is a need. They came from Kosrae, Chuuk, Saipan, Pohnpei, Ebeye, Tinian and Guam. Some of their assignments changed. However, most returned to the congregations they were serving. With the valuable training they've received they will be able to assist their congregations and those they meet in the ministry. The Micronesia Branch reserves the right to reassign them, of course! 

The Bethel family (those who live and work at the Branch) worked double time during the school. The students were housed with families in the congregations who took care of their evening meals but the Branch furnished breakfast and lunch for them each day. You can imagine how twenty-four students, two instructors and their wives must have added to their load.

Click HERE to view posts from our friends, Alan and Tamara, regarding their experiences during the school. Before the school, they were in Pohnpei. Since, they have been assigned to Ebeye in the Marshall Islands—new island, new language, new life!

An interesting note regarding the instructors (see back row of class photo)—Aaron and I had Oregon connections with each. Dan Woodin (right) was our District Overseer in Oregon and Ron Azar brought greetings from friends back home.
Following the two-month school, was a graduation program at the Kingdom Hall complex. The students invited friends and family. Some people traveled long distances to attend. An invitation was also extended to a number in each congregation on Guam. 

Aaron and I were happy to attend this special event. We were also happy to have Glenn and Patti return to Guam (from Hilo, HI) for a few days. They stayed at "The Sutton Inn" and participated in much of the festivities.

An Evening With Friends

Patti and Rachel

Aaron and I with our family of friends:
(front to back, left to right) Shay, Patti, Glenn
Rachel, Veronica, Nathan, Brandon, Jeff, Lianne and little Ella


Aaron, me, Patti and Glenn

Camille, me, Brenda and Matthew

Aaron and Kondo
Kondo and his wife, Arlette returned to their congregation in Saipan following the school.

There were too many people for one hall so we were tied in next door.

Following the graduation, we enjoyed attending a BBQ at the Lee home.

Dave and Krista Schafer flew in from NY for the graduation. Dave was the chairman for the program. He delivered opening remarks and greetings from the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, NY.

Another connection with Oregon—Dave lived next door to friends of ours from Salem when he was a teenager. Our friends shared tales of his kindness as a youth. (Peoples)

Sunset Grill

Patti and Glenn with their "kids" Bob and Lolly
After graduation Bob and Lolly returned to Tinian 
to continue serving the needs of the congregation there.



  1. What a great privilege. How special to have Glen and Patti. Great pics of you all at the Sutton Inn. Sutton Inn is a very special place to stay!:)

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful post. From our windswept porch you swept us back into the excitement of those two months. Thank you all for the excellent care of Glenn and Patti they are precious gems indeed.

  3. Very nice, Patty and Glenn look great! Awesome you got to have a part of all that. I hope to visit Sutton Inn again in the near future. :)

  4. Amazing, wow I wish I was there, even better if I was a student

  5. What a fine blessing you all received at this fine school. Thankyou for sharing your fine memories of this happy time. Charles W.Rutherford, brother from UK


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